
Check Your Trademark With SuperSearchTM

Not all Trademark Searches are Alike

  • SuperSearchTM

  • • Connect with a trademark consultant to analyze your trademark and earn a free assessment

    • 1 business day turnaround for comprehensive search results

    • Extensive trademark search service to help you find the best trademark

    100% FREE!

  • Other Trademark Search Companies

  • • No complimentary trademark consultation

    • Longer turnaround time for accurate search results

    • Basic database search only

    • $300 - $1000 for a similar trademark search package

Our Search = Higher Success Rate

We assess the risk level of each trademark application before the time consuming registration process starts.

Our trademark consultants keep you informed of the already filed trademarks and make sure that you are aware of any high risk trademark. The government fee required for trademark applications is non-refundable.

How it works

Your comprehensive search is done in 3 easy steps:

1. Your assigned trademark consultant will contact about your trademark and the type of goods and services you provide.

2. It takes us 1 business day to complete your comprehensive search and identify potential conflicts or risks.

3. Your personal trademark consultant will call to explain your search results and propose a solution catered to your needs

Comprehensive Search vs. Basic Database Search

In most cases a basic database search will only bring to light the existence of the same but not similar trademarks. Alike marks could create issues around your trademark application, especially when your business is still at an infant stage. Discovery of an identical trademark at an earlier stage of your application greatly reduces any unnecessary spending.

Thousands of happy clients worldwide

Trademarks Filed Since 2014
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Trademarks Filed yesterday

What our clients have said

  • Sherry Li
    Business Administrator, Wenbo Education Consulting Firm. Ltd.
    Witmart's platform is very simple and intuitive from a customer's standpoint - the whole process was fast and efficient. We have used their service to register our trademark globally and we couldn't be happier!
  • Peter Zhang
    President, Sino Club
    Witmart's international trademark registration service is excellent. The trademark specialist gave very professional advice and guided me through the whole process. They are very knowledgeable and provided top notch support. The service is truly hands-free which gives peace of mind for clients. I will definitely recommend them for international trademark registration and will register more trademarks globally with Witmart.
  • Munzer Alkurdi
    Creative Director, Spine Creative Design Inc.
    Witmart's service is excellent. With so many illigitimate filers out there, it was hard to decide where to go for a trademark registration. Witmart's trademark consultant was very professional and approachable that convince me to choose them. I really appreciated their support and following up on my file updates. The whole registration experience was 100% positive. I would definitely recommend them to others.
  • Wenjun Yang
    Small Business Owner
    I’ve been using this brand name “Dr. Fish” for more than ten years! It never crossed my mind to trademark the name. Initially, I just wanted to take a gamble and see if the name can be trademarked. Witmart did an excellent job of obtaining the trademark for me! Unauthorized sellers on Amazon was a serious problem for me, now I just simply present the trademark certificate and the unauthorized sellers must withdraw my products off their stores. ^^

Four reasons to register a trademark

Expand Your Market
In most countries a trademark registration is mandatory for entering major sales channels.
Increase Company Assets
Trademarks are valuable assets, appreciating as your business reputation grows. They're also transferrable.
Improve International Awareness
Trademarks help customers find you worldwide, and help differentiate your products from your competitors.
Protect Intellectual Property
Trademarks protect your brand from imitation and misuse, while building loyalty with customers.